Types Of Cloud Computing Architectures Explained

Types Of Cloud Computing Architectures Explained

Cloud computing is the delivery of on-demand internet services, such as web applications and software, over a network. Cloud computing is one of the most talked about topics in technology today. It’s also one of the most misunderstood technologies out there—many people have heard of it but don’t really know what it is or how it works. Cloud computing can be a complex topic to understand, but we’re here to break down some common cloud computing architectures that will help you better understand how this technology works and what it means for your business or project.

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a model in which the software providers host the application and provide it to the user over the internet. It is a subscription-based service that allows users to access their applications from any device and adds additional features such as analytics, data management and security features.

The SaaS architecture …

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Blockchain Smart Contract Development

Blockchain Smart Contract Development

The blockchain is a decentralized ledger that records digital transactions. It’s like a huge accounting book where transactions between two parties are recorded. The blockchain is shared among many users and it can only be updated by consensus of the network members. Because there’s no central authority (like a bank), blockchain technology has gained popularity as an alternative way to do business.

Smart contracts are self-executed with no need for human intervention.

Smart contracts are self-executed with no need for human intervention. They are software code that can be executed on a blockchain, where they automatically implement their terms when certain conditions are met.

Smart contracts are used to facilitate, verify and enforce many types of contractual clauses. For example:

  • Escrow services — A third party holds funds in escrow until both parties agree it’s appropriate to release them (e.g., after delivery). This reduces the risk that either party will
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How Malicious Software Breaks Your Computer

How Malicious Software Breaks Your Computer

Malicious software is a serious problem for anyone who uses a computer. It can break into your computer and cause a lot of damage without you even knowing it’s there. Malware comes in several forms, including viruses and spyware, both of which are designed to take over your computer without your knowledge. Antivirus software only detects some types of malware, so it’s important to know how to protect yourself against other kinds as well. It’s also important to keep in mind that even if you don’t download any new programs—and probably won’t—you still may be at risk if you visit sites that host malicious content or click on links from e-mail messages sent by scammers.”

Malware can be a serious problem for your computer.

Malware is a very common problem. It can cause serious problems if left unchecked, and it can be difficult to remove. Malware can cause performance problems, …

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The Scalability Pyramid

The Scalability Pyramid

When building a software infrastructure, it’s important to consider how your code will scale. You want to make sure that your infrastructure can handle large amounts of traffic and data, and that it is built with the right tools for the job.

The Level of Service

When you’re looking at a system’s scalability, the first thing to consider is how many users it can support. This is called “the level of service,” and it’s not the same as performance or security–though those things are important too!

The level of service is an important metric because it directly affects how many people can use your site at once: if too many people try to access your site at once, then some users will get errors or have trouble accessing content (it’s called “denial of service”).


Security is a priority.

It’s not just about technical issues, but also people and process.…

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