2 Most Innovative Energy Technology of Tomorrow

2 Most Innovative Energy Technology of Tomorrow

The ever increasing energy greed/need has forced the scientists to look beyond the conventional sources of energy and innovate something which may prove as the Energy Nirvana. The spiraling consumption of conventional energy has resulted in the gradual degradation of the quality of air & water which may prove life-threatening for future generations. The solution is to focus on renewable sources of energy i.e. Green Technologies.

There are indeed a few commendable progress during the past 2/3 years in this direction. Most prominent & innovative among them are:

Bloom Box Wireless Electricity

Bloom Box: It is considered as a magical box of the size of a small bread-loaf which will generate enough power to meet the energy requirement of an American home. The unit doesn’t vibrate, emits no sound and no smell. Moreover, it can be scaled up based on your power needs. It can be pumped with bio-fuel, biogas …

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How important is the Microsoft office suite to a business?

How important is the Microsoft office suite to a business?

Business owners realize the importance of storing, filing, and arranging information neatly. They recognize the importance of keeping records for events of the future, and that these records must be kept safe and properly.

Perhaps, the most significant achievement of Microsoft is that it has helped businesses transit from the manual filing of these records to online “cabinets” where they are safe and can be gotten easily without stress. It has been able to improve the communications transacted in a business leading to more productivity in the company.

Microsoft office suite is the compilation of all the software services offered by Microsoft. They range from MS word to Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and some others. Ms word as a writing software can be used to write briefs, minutes, letters, et cetera. PowerPoint is used for presentations; Excel is used for cataloging records and is very useful in areas that involve …

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3 Reasons DisplayPort Is The Future

3 Reasons DisplayPort Is The Future

If you’re anything like me, you’re sick of having to unscrew/re-screw VGA and DVI cables every time you move your monitor, or maybe you’re fed up with having to use a different cable for every single monitor you use in a multi-monitor setup. DisplayPort seems to be the answer to both these problems and more.

DisplayPort is a cable that was standardized by VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association) in May of 2006. The port looks like an HDMI port. The two cables share more than similar ports, though; they both do nearly the same thing. Both transfer video and audio singles with a single cable and both are poised as potential replacements for the aging DVI and VGA cables of yesteryear. Let’s explore why DisplayPort is ready to become the next big cable.

  • Speed. DisplayPort is seriously fast. The current revision (1.2) can transfer information to your screen at
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