How Does a Server Work?

How Does a Server Work?

There are many types of servers these days, but the simplest definition is a computer that provides specific services to users. Users access these services through client software, which sends requests to the server. The server handles the request and returns the result to the user. A server is used to host web pages and applications. A server is also used to store data. To learn more about servers, check out this article. This will help you decide which server type is right for your needs.

Dedicated servers

Dedicated servers offer several advantages over shared hosting plans. With a dedicated server, you have complete control over the resources of the server, including disk space, bandwidth, and more. Dedicated servers also offer root access, which means you can install custom software and enhance security levels. This gives you total flexibility over the performance and configuration of your website. Dedicated servers are an excellent choice for users with advanced technical skills, who are interested in customizing their server’s capabilities.

Web servers

In the simplest terms, web servers manage how websites are accessed, with a fully managed virtual private server being the top of the line. Browsers make requests of the web server, which replies with data. The browser renders this data depending on the browser used. Web servers use a protocol called Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which allows clients and services handling websites to communicate. The data returned by a web server is referred to as HTML. Here are some examples of …

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The Top 5 Task Management Software Applications for Companies

The Top 5 Task Management Software Applications for Companies

Seventy-seven percent of all high-performing companies use project management software.

That is why companies need task management tools. They help us get more done by allowing us to delegate tasks to others, monitor their progress, and prioritize the next most important thing for everyone to focus on.

Choosing the right task management app for your needs can help boost productivity and efficiency. It can also make for smoother operations for everyone on your team.

Here is a look at some of the best task management software you should consider for your business.

What is a Task Management Software?

Task management software is a program that helps you oversee and complete tasks within your company. To help you make a decision, here are the top five task management software applications for companies:

1. Asana

This software help companies manage teams and monitor their projects and tasks. It offers a variety of features and customizable tools that can fit your company’s unique needs.

Some of the key features offered by Asana include tracking progress on projects, assigning tasks to specific team members, setting deadlines, and sharing files and documents. It also provides a mobile app to access your account and tasks on the go.

2. Trello

Trello is a web-based application that allows users to create and manage tasks using Kanban boards. Users can create boards to track specific projects or goals and add tasks to each board. You can assign tasks to specific users, and users can add comments and files …

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Best Technology to Learn for the Future

Best Technology to Learn for the Future

What is the best technology to learn in order to make the future a reality? Let’s explore several technologies in this article. We’ll discuss artificial intelligence, Blockchain, IoT, and Cloud computing. You may be wondering how each of these technologies affects our lives. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below. And remember: you’re never too old to learn about these technologies. You’ll always be in demand!

Artificial Intelligence

The best technology to learn for the future is Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is the process of automating repetitive learning and discovery through data. Machines can perform frequent high- volume computerized tasks reliably and without human fatigue. However, humans are still required to set up an AI system and ask the right questions to make it do what it’s meant to do. This is why AI has many uses for people today.

As AI grows in power, job opportunities are likely to increase. Humans simply can’t process the amount of data that AI applications can. By 2030, according to the McKinsey Global Institute, one-third of the American workforce will be required to switch occupations. This is particularly true for workers in data-heavy industries. Despite these advantages, however, learning AI is not an easy task.


There are many aspects and layers to the Internet of Things (IoT). Companies need to know how to deal with the data generated by IoT devices, and the ML skills necessary to understand and use this data. The challenges faced by businesses in the …

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How To Become A Gaming Developer

How To Become A Gaming Developer

A career as a gaming developer is both rewarding and challenging. There is a high demand for these skills and the incumbent at a studio can expect to earn £73k after ten years in the job. Here we look at the skills and qualifications you will need to enter this industry.

Qualifications Needed To Become A Gaming Developer

A four-year degree, such as a bachelor’s degree is usually the minimum requirement. There are accredited online programs as well that may suffice provided you have the right hard and soft skills for the job. However, most gaming developers are only hired after obtaining a degree. You will need to take courses in computer engineering and computer science. 

Math, Physics, And Engineering Software And Hardware

You need to be competent in math and physics. Gaming development will require you to work with concepts such as thermodynamics and inertia. You will also have to know algebra, trigonometry, and calculus.

Programming languages are an essential knowledge base to write code for game development. You must be proficient in MySQL, MS SQL, and/or Oracle to develop databases. You should be knowledgeable on the implementation of server backends. 

The Ability to Tell Stories

A gaming developer must be a good storyteller. The individual needs to be able to come up with fresh and original ideas and adapt existing storylines. You need to know the difference between linear storytelling and non-linear storytelling and how to narrate. Then you will have to apply code to your storytelling. 


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Famous Women in Tech

Famous Women in Tech

Some famous women in tech have achieved great success by working hard and striving for their goals. Some have created innovative technology and businesses while others have stepped into the roles of established companies and invented new commercial concepts. While this list is far from complete, some of these women deserve to be recognized for their hard work. If you would like to know more about the achievements of these women, you can read the articles below.

Also, check out these amazing websites for information on famous women in tech.

Ada Lovelace

In honor of Ada Lovelace, the first female computer programmer, today is Ada Day. This day honors the contributions of women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) fields. Ada Lovelace was an educated woman of the 19th century, who worked on mathematician Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine, a prototype for the general-purpose computer.

Jean Sammet

While computer programming is often seen as a male-dominated field, many women were involved in the creation of original programming languages, and one of these is Jean E. Sammet. Born in 1928 in New York, Sammet helped create FORMAC, the first widely used computer language that allowed users to manipulate algebraic formulas symbolically. She spent nearly thirty years at IBM, where she honed her technical writing skills and developed programming languages such as FORMAC. She received the IBM Outstanding Contribution Award and was named one of the country’s most influential women in technology.


Hedy Lamarr was an Austrian-American actress who escaped World War …

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