The Guide That Makes Taking HDR Photos With Your Smartphone Simple

The Guide That Makes Taking HDR Photos With Your Smartphone Simple

Bob Ross once said, “Gotta have opposites dark and light, light and dark in painting.” 

The same applies to photos. Back in the day, older mobile cameras could only produce images with dark areas that were too dark and overexposed bright spots. However, thanks to the modern smartphone camera, we now have HDR (high dynamic range).

With HDR, taking pictures showing details in high contrast scenes has become easier. That said, if you’re wondering how to capture great HDR photos, here’s what you need to know about in-camera and manual HDR.

In-Camera or Auto HDR

There are different types of smartphones, and it seems like every new release comes with more sophisticated cameras. You can even use them for professional photography if you learn a few techniques.

As for high dynamic range, remember that an HDR image isn’t just one picture. It’s two or more images taken at different exposures. 

Now, your smartphone has an Auto-HDR feature. You only need to click it, and your phone’s camera will do all the work.

If you’re not satisfied with your phone’s HDR setting, you can download apps on the App Store or Google Play.

Manual HDR 

If you’re an aspiring photographer and feel like using your phone’s in-camera HDR is cheating, you can try taking manual HDR photos.

However, it can be a complicated process. You have to take many pictures at different exposures, and you need to invest in a good tripod and processing software. 

Don’t be upset if your …

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How to Seamlessly Switch From Windows to Mac

How to Seamlessly Switch From Windows to Mac

According to analysts, Apple sold a staggering 6.5 million MacBook units in the third quarter of 2021. That represents an impressive 10% growth in its Mac sales from the same quarter of the previous year.

Those figures also imply that Macs are becoming more popular in the consumer market. So, if you need a new computer yourself, it may be time to consider making the switch to Apple.

Don’t worry, though, as we’re here to share the top tips on how to switch from Windows to Mac. So, read on to learn what you can do to make the transition easier and get the most out of your fancy new Apple computer.

Use Command In Place Of CTRL

One of the first things you’ll notice on your Mac is that its Control (⌃) key doesn’t work like the CTRL key on Windows. For a start, it serves as a modifier key for cursor-related commands.

It’s the Command key, with the cloverleaf logo (⌘) you want if you’re looking for the equivalent of CTRL. There are two of those keys on your Mac keyboard, one on each side of the Spacebar key.

Since the ⌘ key on Mac is what the CTRL key is to Windows, it’s also the most common modifier key on Apple computers. As such, it’s one of the primary keys you need to press to execute many of the 100+ keyboard shortcuts on Mac.

For instance, if you want to copy text, you must press ⌘ + …

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How to Get into the Computer Information Technology Field

How to Get into the Computer Information Technology Field

If you are interested in pursuing a career in computer information technology, there are several factors you should consider. These factors include education requirements, salary range, and transfer schools. Listed below are a few of the best ways to get into this field. After completing your educational program, you will need to look for a career that will suit your interests and talents. These career opportunities are plentiful and are a great way to make extra money.

Careers in computer information technology

Computer information technology (CIT) jobs vary widely, and the qualifications required will vary accordingly. For example, jobs in database administration usually require a bachelor’s degree, although some companies may hire individuals with only an associate degree. Some positions require additional professional certification, such as Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification. The growth in this field is projected to be very high in the coming years. For those who are not interested in a formal education, there are online degree programs that can get you started.

A career in networking may be more suited for you, if you’d like to work in a company with a wide range of hardware and software systems. The work of a network administrator involves maintaining computer systems for a variety of businesses, such as corporations, government agencies, and other businesses. In addition to managing a network, this professional may be responsible for troubleshooting and upgrading existing applications and systems.

Salary range

The salary range for a Computer Information Technology job may vary by …

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