Forter: Multiple files of Stolen Personal Data Have led to Relentless Online Fraud Attacks

Forter: Multiple files of Stolen Personal Data Have led to Relentless Online Fraud Attacks

We live in an era of cybercrime where it is not uncommon to read headlines of data breaches and other cases of persistent fraud attempts. According to the 2019 sixth annual Fraud Attack Index by Forter Inc, fraud levels went up in 2018 in every online merchant category they scrutinized.

The weight of the matter

Forter reported increased fraud levels in 2018 in all the online merchant categories it tracked. The findings were as follows.

•    Food-and-beverage merchants 79%

•    Electronics at 73%;

•    Digital goods, 66%;

•    Apparel and accessories, 47%;

•    Jewelry, 19%;

•    Luxury, 19%;

•    Travel, 19%;

According to Michael Reitbalt, Founder and CEO of Forter, though some thought luxury or electronic merchants were more vulnerable to fraud due to the larger return from a single fraudulent transaction, the food-and-beverage sector has turned out to be the best testing zone for tricksters to see if they …

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