Interesting Facts About E-waste
Landfills around the world are quickly becoming filled with e-waste. The real problem with this is the fact that is not very recyclable. Here are some interesting facts about this dilemma, along with information about how it can be saved.

1. Only a decade ago, there was an annual dump of nearly 3 million tons of such electronics such as televisions, computers, and printers being dumped into landfills. They can easily be recycled with just a small bit of foresight.
2. E-waste accounts for a mere 2% of the total trash that Americans but as far as toxic waste goes it accounts for an astounding 70% of the total of America.
3. Throughout the entire world, there is an annual amount of 50 million metric tons of e-waste generated. This is an astounding amount that can easily be rectified.
4. There are precious metals which are found in electronics …
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